Save Huge Money On Air Travel
I am an experienced air traveller and with my knowledge and experience, I consider myself lucky to be able to get the cheapest airline tickets. It often amazes me at just how much people pay for their air travel, as when you acquire the knowledge it really is quite simply to save huge amounts of money on your air travel.
Therefore in this article I will provide you a few of my money saving tips in order for you to save money on your air travel in the future.
In order to start saving on your air travel then you must plan, research and shop around. Plan your journey in advance and then book early. Do your research and check online websites for the cheapest deals, if necessary negotiate to get yourself the best deal.
Here is a secret for you, usually airline companies update their computer systems at midnight every day, so simply telephone the airline company after midnight and you will be first in line to receive all the special offer prices which are usually heavily discounted.
Here another secret for you, talk to your travel agent about the possibility of flying to a smaller destination airport which will often be located near to the main destination airport. By flying into these smaller destination airports you will be amazed at the savings you will make.
Finally the cheapest days to travel are on Wednesdays and Thurdays and if you want to save even more money then book an evening flight.
I hope you have found these tips useful and you use them to save money on your air travel.