HHO Fuel Kits – Improving Your Fuel Economy With Water


With gas prices overshooting the “reasonable” line lately, I’m sure you’ve heard some of the buzz surrounding HHO fuel kits that allow you to burn water as a supplemental fuel in your vehicle. Thousands of people have already discovered the secret to fighting high gas prices and it’s as simple as building one of the many simple HHO fuel kits designs available and mounting it underneath the hood of your car.

One of the most frequent questions asked is how the system actually works, and luckily enough it’s actually pretty simple. Any standard HHO fuel kit works by sending an electrical charge through a reservoir of water, allowing the current to travel through the water. This is known as electrolysis and the whole process is powered by your vehicles battery/alternator. Most are designed to start the process as soon as the vehicle is turned on so you have extra power and the improved fuel economy right away.

As the electrolysis happens, it creates what is known as HHO gas, which is simply a gas mixture of 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen. After the gas is extracted from the water it bubbles up to the top of the reservoir and is sucked through a hose running directly to the air intake on your vehicle. The result? A supplemental fuel supply which allows you to burn less gasoline and get more mileage out of each tank. Some other benefits of HHO fuel kits include increased power, and cleaner emissions. You are also able to get a tax credit for the conversion which will more than pay for the parts involved in the conversion. As a matter of fact, some designs only cost around $60 to build, while current US tax credits for such devices can be up to $2,000 per converted vehicle!

Another popular concern is the safety of HHO fuel kits. Rest assured that HHO fuel kits are completely harmless, and while the gas they generate is combustible, it has a very high ignition temperature and only burns well under the compressed environment it experiences inside the combustion chamber of your engine. Generally speaking, it’s as safe as the water bottle sitting in your cupholder!

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